Sankal….what? Sankalpa is sanskrit for your intention or the vow that you set in your heart and mind at the beginning of your yoga class. In other words, when you set your intention, you are creating a Sankalpa. When you set your intention, you are picking an idea that resonates with your deepest self or …Read More

Stay Humble
The word human itself comes from the same root as humus, earth. So too does humble, which makes sense because the best way of staying humble is to realize what you’re made of. Long before science came along to explain the minute details of how it happens, cultures all around the world knew that our …Read More

“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” ~Pema Chödrön That moment between vulnerability and freedom…when all that you cling to is in the air. Breath is only chest deep, as if that is a means of control…the body’s last instinctual response of survival. Hypervigilance sets in and there is no turning …Read More

Morning Yoga
Morning Yoga: Wake Up! If Kyoto can wake up and do yoga, so can you 🙂 Here are a few key poses that will get you moving in the morning… Child’s Pose (Balasana): Draw your knees to the outside of your mat and bring your big toes together, grounding down through the tops of your …Read More

Wisdom~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“There is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in order to make the lotus.” Thich Nhat Hanh

While I do love the occasional cup of coffee, I have found that drinking tea can greatly benefit your health. Tea is packed full with antioxidants and phytochemicals, which is why it has such a long list of benefits. It has been used for centuries as a form of alternative medicine for ailments …Read More

Green Super Powder Smoothie
Green Super Powder Smoothie This smoothie is packed with antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamins, and ENERGY! There are four basic components to making a “green” smoothie. You start with a base… Examples: -filtered water -coconut milk -almond milk -rice milk Add your greens… Examples: -kale -spinach Add fruit… Examples: -apple -berries -banana -pineapple Add the Super …Read More

Blog: Beyond the Mat / Eight Limbs
Eight Limbs of Yoga If you go to a yoga class, you may hear about the “eight limbs” or eightfold path of yoga. This comes from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Centuries ago, Patanjali was a great sage who compiled this essential guide/ foundational text of yoga principles. Within the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes this eightfold path …Read More

Wisdom ~ Buddha
A man once told Buddha, “I want happiness.” Buddha replied, “First, remove ‘I’, that’s ego. Then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. And now all you’re left with is Happiness. ~Buddha~