Written by: Andy Vantrease I remember the first time I meditated. I sat down next to my friend in her living room, she turned on the iPhone Headspace App: Lesson One, and a calm British voice guided us through 10 minutes of meditation. I remember saying afterwards, “I’m really bad at this,” and “I couldn’t …Read More
Smooth Transitions
Written By: Andy Vantrease As we transition to autumn, most of us will try to hang on to the summer heat, memories of vacation sunsets, the daily dose of berries and melons, and the freshly caught seafood cuisine. Others look forward to a break from the sticky, humid days and the insects that come as …Read More
Nature: Back to the Basics
Written by: Andy Vantrease Impermanence. A word that makes many of us uneasy, yet one that best describes the natural world we live in. Seeds sprout, flowers bud, bloom and wither, snow falls and melts, storms surge through leaving rainbows and cloudless skies, riverbeds evaporate and crack under the feet of fawns following their mothers, …Read More
The Choice Is Yours
Written by : Andy Vantrease Do you ever stop to wonder how you got to where you are? Not in the sense of, “What am I doing standing here in front of the open refrigerator, again?” But to think about everything that you’ve learned, accomplished, experienced – survived, even – for you to be standing …Read More
To Live Is To Be Vulnerable
Written by : Andy Vantrease There are many reasons why travel is beneficial for the human spirit. It exposes you to new languages, cultures, cuisine, geography, beliefs, and struggles. You get to reinvent yourself each place you go, to be a version of yourself that you may be afraid to show at home for fear of …Read More

Body Love: Learning How to Treat Yourself
Written by: Andy Vantrease If you’re like me, a MindBodyGreen addict and seeker of information on how to live a more vibrant, passion-filled life, you have undoubtedly come across several buzz words and phrases more than once: self-love, self-talk, be kind to your body, listen to your body (wait, eating only when hungry is …Read More

Perspective at Play
Written by: Andy Vantrease Every life has ups and downs. Dips that make you feel like you may never be able to dig yourself out and highs so euphoric you don’t want them to end. Then there’s all the in-between. The everyday tasks, interactions, routines, communications. Many people stumble through this life of in-between …Read More

The Purpose of Setting an Intention
Written by: Andy Vantrease When I first started practicing yoga, I told myself that it was to ease back into exercise after a long battle with tendonitis and overworked muscles. As I stepped onto my mat those first few weeks, I didn’t know much about the philosophy or importance of setting an intention, and I …Read More

Mindfulness: What Does It Mean?
Written by: Andy Vantrease Mindful is an adjective lacing the covers of wellness magazines, blog titles (guilty), meditation apps, tea flavors, beauty products and even paint colors. For months when I read the word mindful, I found myself tossing thoughts around in my head, trying to understand what it meant, and more importantly, what it …Read More

Work that Asana
Asana is probably the most recognizable aspects of yoga, so it is a great place to begin our journey. In sanskrit, asana means “to be in a comfortable seat or posture”, although we tend to use the term to describe our physical practice. While asana is only one of the eight limbs of yoga, it …Read More